Euphoria Blu





Nata il 13/04/2009








Ch. Come Steve of Lowlands Green Valley



Malouine's Twilight Zone Ch. Riding's Deep in My Heart Timeless Twilight's Fame or Fortune
Riding's Red Riding Hood
Malouine's Midnight Blues Brilyn Black Inspiration
Malouine's Stray Cat Blues
Silver Dream Blue Secret Love Ch. Pole-Star of Lowlands Green Valley Imagine The People de Florange
Naïs Blue Nuphar
Ch. Silver Dream Black Xanadu Manico's Quest of Rock
Silver Dream Black Pompadour
Ch. Fiordiloto Blu di Cambiano Ch. Jumbo Jet Nero di Cambiano Ch. Amalie Black on Top With Cambiano Erjon Eyecatcher
Blossoms Black at Amalie
Bluebreeze di Cambiano Lord-Blue Blue Night
Icantstand Black di Cambiano
Quinta da Inka di Cambiano Lord-Blue Blue Night Dornbrae Misty Blue
Franziska Black Blue Night
Kick in the Black di Cambiano Amalie Out of The Blues di Cambiano
Kick in The Blue di Cambiano




Cucciolata 1







© Giulia Cuccu for All. Giuly's Dreams 2017

© Giulia Cuccu for All. Giuly's Dreams 2016

© Emanuela Camia - Gran Pamir Creations 2015